Analysis of Risk & Return Traded Quantity for Infotech & Automobile Companies
During recent times the avenue for investment are abundant like bank deposits, property insurance, shares, etc but taking an investment decision is more critical. Analyzing the risk associated with every investment option and evaluating the return out of that investment becomes very crucial. This paper analyzes these ventures. Two sectors have an important role in propelling Indian growth engine. These sectors are information technology and automobile industry. These two sectors have a different perspective in terms of profit making, growht, employment generation, etc. The stock price were taken from the S&P CNX Nifty. The stock price from JAuary 2006 to June2010 was taken for calculating beta and standard deviation, co-relation, coefficient of determination. the findings and suggestion certainly would be of help to the investors.
P Varadharajan, R Kirubanatesh, R inharasu