Employees Perception Of HRM Practices: A Comparative Study Between Cooperative Banks And Public Sector Banks With Reference To Bhopal Region
Efficient employees are the requirement any business. Banks too need good and efficient employees. Banks are recognizing that an important element in business management practices is the need to successfully motivate and retain high talent employees who survive through tough times of consolidation, organizational restructuring, downsizing, and re-engineering. Banking is an industry which provides services to its customers and therefore human resource management practices is very important for banks in today’s context. The private banks and public sector banks have improved their HRM practices to a considerable great extent but cooperative banks lag behind in HRM practices. The present study focuses on the comparative analysis of HRM practices between cooperative banks and public sector banks and in Bhopal region of M.P. It was found during the study that the employee perception of various HRM practices on the dimension of recruitment, training and compensation did not report any significant difference as opposed to previous notion of considering public sector bank better in HRM practices than cooperative banks.
Ms Diksha Handa Jouhari, Ankur Verma, Mahak Kankane