IPR: An Intellectual Property Right of Software Codes
In ancient years education was scarce but due to the faster pace of globalization which entails the movement of ideas no doubt, it promises an integral and rewarding change to the Higher station System not especially in developed but in underdeveloped areas of the countries as well. olization is expected to be a process through which an increasingly free flow of ideas, people, mod services and capital would lead to the integration of economies and societies. It is categorized an accelerated flow of trade, capital and information as mobility of individual across geographical borders. It can be defined as a link between distant localities which help in maintaining social relation Infect, globalization entails recognition and celebration of identities, culture and values across In ancient years education faster movement of id Educatio Education has turned out to be a commodity of international trade it is accepted globally on a private level. Globalization is helping not only developed countries but the ones developing in the sense by rising the living standard, use of new technology like computers which include many feature like: EBanking, E-Marketing, and connection between the people at distant places by use of internet, health and education and the way of communication. The thrust of globalization is expected to push higher education to face far reaching challenges the most biggest challenge which universities have ever faced are industrialization, urbanization and secularization. It has been a war weather the activities involved are challenges or an opportunities.
Ritesh Rastogi, Sahi Srivastav, Kuldeep Kumar